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Use with care a write or system call could damage a User's system.

TW.writeFile(QString filename, QString content)


Is just that.

       relative paths are taken to be relative to the folder containing the
       executing script's file

Other wise you must give a fully qualified path - note if give a path outside the scripts own (sub)-directory tree, or outside the current document or its master (root) document's (sub)-directory tree, the User will need to first have turned on file writing in the Edit/Preferences/Scripting dialogue tab.

You must provide the file extension as a part of the filename


Writing is performed in utf8 encoded text-mode.

Return Value

writeFile returns an integer directly (not an object like readFile does)

The integer is the same as readFile's "status" value see Return Values for Status

Use with care a write or system call could damage a User's system.

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