The prototype

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The prototype



How this works

Closures and references

The arguments object

Scopes and namespaces


Equality and comparisons


The Array constructor

The for in loop

The typeof operator

The instanceof operator

Type casting

undefined and null

Reasons against eval

setTimeout and setInterval

Automatic semicolon insertion

The prototype #top

JavaScript does not feature a classical inheritance model, instead it uses a prototypical one.

While this is often considered to be one of JavaScript's weaknesses, the prototypical inheritance model is in fact more powerful than the classic model. It is for example fairly trivial to build a classic model on top of it, while the other way around is a far more difficult task.

Due to the fact that JavaScript is basically the only widely used language that features prototypical inheritance, it takes some time to adjust to the differences between the two models.

The first major difference is that inheritance in JavaScript is done by using so called prototype chains.

Note: Simply using Bar.prototype = Foo.prototype will result in both objects sharing the same prototype. Therefore, changes to either object's prototype will affect the prototype of the other as well, which in most cases is not the desired effect.

function Foo() {
   this.value = 42;
Foo.prototype = {
   method: function() {}
function Bar() {}
// Set Bar's prototype to a new instance of Foo
Bar.prototype = new Foo(); = 'Hello World';
// Make sure to list Bar as the actual constructor
Bar.prototype.constructor = Bar;
var test = new Bar() // create a new bar instance
// The resulting prototype chain
test [instance of Bar]
   Bar.prototype [instance of Foo]
       { foo: 'Hello World' }
           { method: ... }
               { toString: ... /* etc. */ }

In the above, the object test will inherit from both Bar.prototype and Foo.prototype; hence, it will have access to the function method that was defined onFoo. It will also have access to the property value of the one Foo instance that is its prototype. It is important to note that new Bar() does not create a new Fooinstance, but reuses the one assigned to its prototype; thus, all Bar instances will share the same value property.

Note: Do not use Bar.prototype = Foo, since it will not point to the prototype of Foo but rather to the function object Foo. So the prototype chain will go overFunction.prototype and not Foo.prototype; therefore, method will not be on the prototype chain.

Property lookup

When accessing the properties of an object, JavaScript will traverse the prototype chain upwards until it finds a property with the requested name.

When it reaches the top of the chain - namely Object.prototype - and still hasn't found the specified property, it will return the value undefined instead.

The prototype property

While the prototype property is used by the language to build the prototype chains, it is still possible to assign any given value to it. Although primitives will simply get ignored when assigned as a prototype.

function Foo() {}
Foo.prototype = 1; // no effect

Assigning objects, as shown in the example above, will work, and allows for dynamic creation of prototype chains.


The lookup time for properties that are high up on the prototype chain can have a negative impact on performance critical sections of code. Additionally, trying to access non-existent properties will always traverse the full prototype chain.

Also, when iterating over the properties of an object every property that is on the prototype chain will get enumerated.

Extension of native prototypes

One mis-feature that is often used is to extend Object.prototype or one of the other built in prototypes.

This technique is called monkey patching and breaks encapsulation. While used by widely spread frameworks such as Prototype, there is still no good reason for cluttering built in types with additional non-standard functionality.

The only good reason for extending a built-in prototype is to backport the features of newer JavaScript engines; for example, Array.forEach.

In conclusion

It is a must to understand the prototypical inheritance model completely before writing complex code which makes use of it. Also, watch the length of the prototype chains and break them up if necessary to avoid possible performance issues. Further, the native prototypes should never be extended unless it is for the sake of compatibility with newer JavaScript features.

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